Wondering What to Do This Month?

Plant annuals after the last chance of frost…about May 8th in our area.

Repair bare patches, dog spots, and over seed thin lawns while the nights are still cool and spring rains are plentiful.

Apply Ferti-lome Crabgrass Preventer plus lawn food after first mowing.  Water in well.  Avoid applying to newly seeded areas in your lawn.

Mulch garden beds with Alfalfa’s Secret, pine bark mulch or cocoa bean mulch to help conserve moisture and reduce weed growth.

Prune lilacs, forsythia, azaleas, and other spring flowering shrubs immediately after they have finished blooming.

Work fertilizers and soil amendments into veggie gardens before planting.

Protect your plants from hungry critters by using repellants such as Liquid Fence.

Water freshly planted trees and shrubs once a week – especially during dry spells.

Begin using fruit tree spray after the blossom drop.

Set up peony hoops.

Fertilize established trees, evergreens and shrubs to encourage growth.

Apply Preen or other pre-emergent weed preventers in shrub and planting beds to control weeds.

Fertilize Roses and begin spraying regularly to prevent mildew and black spot.

Plant summer blooming bulbs such as gladiolas, callas and dahlias.

Remove leaves and other debris that has collected under evergreens and shrubs.