Wondering What to Do This Month?

It’s time to start cleaning out your garden beds.  Compost the refuse only if the material is disease/insect free.

Work compost, peat or Alfalfa’s Secret into your planting beds to get a jump on spring planting.

Keep mowing your lawn until the growth stops.  Remember that tall grass gets matted under the snow cover and encourages diseases like snow mold and rodents in your lawn.

Wrap young and thin barked trees for protection against animal and winter sunscald damage.

Water your trees, shrubs & evergreens until the ground freezes.

Plant cool season annuals like mums, asters, cabbage, ornamental peppers and kale.  You will have to cover them temporarily if the temperature dips below freezing.

Cover or Minnesota Tip your tender roses before the temps dip below 25 degrees – or sometime mid-October.

Harvest and preserve herbs and veggies for winter eating.

Clean bird feeders in preparation for winter use.

Clean and put away empty containers and garden ornaments that are not frost-proof.

Turn over birdbaths tops or winterize your birdbaths with birdbath heaters. (Your birds will love you!)