Potted Bonsai Workshop

August 19, 2023@12pm


We’re excited to have renowned bonsai expert, David Weiss, here to teach the class. David is currently 2nd Vice President at the Minnesota Bonsai Society and is also the director of workshops there. In addition to his roles at the MN Bonsai Society, he has his own YouTube channel called Bonsai Acres. David will show you the process of creating your own bonsai from start to finish and will discuss how to properly care for and maintain your bonsai. This will be a tropical bonsai class and you will have a variety of plants to choose from. This class is perfect for the novice or experienced gardener.

Registration is required. Should you need to cancel, please do so by August 16. Must prepay at time of registration. Space is limited to 20 participants. Call today (952-473-5425) to reserve your spot!


Bringing nature indoors has a calming, peaceful effect on our well-being. Join us as we become inspired by the art of bonsai. “Bon” means flat tray or shallow pot, and “sai” means plant, or planting. Bonsai represents peace and tranquility.


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