So, are areas of your lawn looking as arid and attractive as a litterbox? My humans are talking to lots of my visitors about this. Did you know that grass roots can be killed by temperatures over 85 degrees? Many lawns in whole or in part tend to go dormant in the hot part of the year in self-preservation and live off the stored-up nutrients from the roots. Much like me during my long daily naps. It’s exhausting work being so pawsome all the time!

Good meoowws! Cooler temps have arrived which means that our cool season grass lawns can start to grow again and recover from the hotter months. Your established lawn is hungry so feed it with Ferti-lome Winterizer Lawn Food (25-0-6). Fall feeding is one of the most critical feeding times so don’t miss out on this one! Healthy and stable plants can endure the hardship of winter better than weak plants. Winterizer builds winter hardiness, stem strength and disease resistance in lawns, trees, and shrubs. It also aids hardening of late fall growth and promotes sturdiness in plants weakened by too rapid of growth. It’s like putting a coat on your plants for the winter which sounds purrfectly wonderful. Please note that this is for established lawns.

Application rates: A 20lb bag will cover 5,000 Sq Ft of Lawn, a 40lb bag will cover 10,000 Sq Ft of Lawn. Trees: apply 1lb per inch of trunk diameter. Shrubs: 1 cup per 3 feet of height. Take care to keep the fertilizer away from the trunk and main stems.

Brrrrr! All this talk about witnterizing is making me cold. Time to find my favorite napping spot in the houseplant greenhouse to warm up. Please come visit me and tell me how purrfect and adorable I am when you come in to pick up your Winterizer!